“Welcome Back, Carter.” Except Add Dementia.

by Wayne Allyn Root

Remember the old 1970’s sitcom, “Welcome Back, Kotter”? It aired on ABC TV from 1975 to 1979. The President of the United States throughout most of that period was the infamous peanut-farmer-turned-worst-president-ever Jimmy Carter.

Perfect timing. Because 2021 is clearly the new 1976.

The new version of that sitcom is “Welcome Back, Carter”- Except Add Dementia. It stars Joe “Basement” Biden as today’s hapless, pathetic, destructive Jimmy Carter.

Basement Biden and Jimmy Carter are alike in so many ways, it’s almost surreal.

Both appeared to the naked eye as decent human beings; both portrayed themselves as “moderate Democrats”; both turned out to be stumbling, mumbling idiots, combined with a desire to destroy America with a radical socialist/Marxist/communist agenda. Both embarrassed the office of the presidency, while depressing the American people. Both embraced “America Last.”

The differences are…

Jimmy Carter meant well. His heart was in the right place. He was just a fool and dupe. His delusional, fairy-tale, half-cocked ideas ruined many lives. But it wasn’t intentional. The poor man was just naïve and dumb as a doorknob.

Joe Biden on the other hand is a puppet with dementia. It’s clear he’s not even the president. He’s just the front man doing the bidding of evil people who want to destroy America and capitalism.

The amazing thing is Biden’s done it all in just a little over 100 days. He’s just set the Guinness World Record for fastest destruction of a great country.

Look around. America is a dumpster fire. Let us count the ways Biden has wrecked America from sea to shining sea, and across the globe…

The borders are open and illegal aliens pour in by the thousands per day. Many of them bring crime and disease. They all bring bankruptcy and insolvency for America and our formerly great middle class. So far, in fiscal 2021 we’ve managed to bring in the most tax money ever, while still spending an unimaginable 90% more than we collected.

Then there’s dreaded inflation. A massive wave of stag inflation is clearly coming because of madman Biden’s insane levels of spending. Just days ago, the producer price index soared by the most ever. That’s all before the trillions Biden wants to spend on Infrastructure and the Green New Deal. Biden is turning America into a combination of Venezuela, Zimbabwe and the infamous Weimar Republic.

But wait, we’re just getting started. We have hours-long gas lines and $7.00 per gallon gas in some parts of the country. Sound familiar? It’s Jimmy Carter- Part Deux.

Then we have the massive proposed Biden increases for income taxes, corporate taxes, capital gains taxes, even estate taxes. Biden wants to destroy us with taxes from cradle to grave. This comes after the economic suffering of Covid. Biden will create a Great Depression.

And then there’s the global dumpster fire. Biden’s ineptness, naivete and dementia are inspiring all of America’s enemies to attack our allies without fear of repercussion. Israel is under attack by Palestinians. China’s bombers are invading Taiwan’s airspace. Russia is threatening a war with Ukraine.

Iranian gunships are harassing US Navy destroyers.

What’s a madman with dementia do to deflect from all these tragedies and disasters he’s caused in only 100 days? Time to distract and deflect. It’s time to bring out the WMD’s- “weapons of mass distraction.”

That’s why only days ago, Biden and his CDC suddenly announced- out of the blue- that vaccinated Americans no longer need to wear masks indoors or outdoors. Happy Days are here again. With the wave of a magic wand.

Forget the tragedy unfolding around us. Forget the end of America. Forget the dumpster fire. Forget the dementia. Biden will “allow” you to take your muzzle off.

But only days before, Biden, Dr. Fauci and the CDC all announced that vaccinated Americans absolutely needed to keep wearing masks, even outdoors. Dr. Fauci even reported we might keep wearing masks forever during flu season.

Then suddenly, Voila! No more masks outdoors or indoors. It’s all “science,” don’t you see? It sure is. It’s the science of “Wag the Dog.” It’s the science of “three card monte.”

It’s not science, it’s Voo-Doo. It changes minute by minute, based on the what Democrats and the media need to support the helpless, feeble, old man with dementia.

Keep your eye on the ball. What matters is America, American exceptionalism, the American Dream and capitalism. They’re all hanging by a thread under Biden. America is a raging dumpster fire. This is a tragedy of epic proportions.

I’m sad to say…

“Welcome Back, Carter.” Except Add Dementia.”

Wayne Allyn Root is the author of the new #1 national bestselling book, “TRUMP RULES.” Wayne is a CEO, entrepreneur and host of the nationally-syndicated “Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered” on USA Radio Network, daily from 6 PM to 9 PM EST and the “WAR RAW” podcast. To find out more about Wayne Allyn Root and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com.



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