How Diverse a Portfolio Do You Need?

When it comes to building a strong investment portfolio, the key is balance. You want enough diversity to weather market storms but not so much that you spread yourself too thin. So, how diverse does your portfolio actually need to be? Let’s break it down.

First off, having a variety of investments is crucial because it helps reduce risk. You don’t want all your money riding on one or two assets. Imagine everything in one stock or sector—if that crashes, your whole portfolio could take a hit. Instead, by spreading your investments across different sectors, asset classes, and even geographic regions, you lower the risk of a big loss in any one area impacting everything you’ve worked for.

A good rule of thumb? Think about diversifying across multiple asset types—stocks, bonds, real estate, and even commodities like gold. But don’t stop there. Diversifying within those asset classes matters too. For instance, in the world of stocks, consider mixing it up with both small and large companies, some growth-focused, others more value-oriented.

Now, some investors opt to take things a step further by using a multi-manager investment trust. These trusts allow you to invest in a variety of funds managed by different investment professionals. This approach gives you access to multiple strategies and reduces the risk that comes from relying on just one manager’s expertise. It’s like hiring several experts to look after different slices of your portfolio.

Still, diversity doesn’t mean you need hundreds of different investments. Too much of a good thing can get overwhelming. A well-diversified portfolio can be built with 20 to 30 carefully chosen investments. The goal is to have enough variety that your portfolio isn’t overly reliant on one investment while still keeping things manageable.

In the end, the right level of diversification depends on your financial goals, risk tolerance, and how involved you want to be in managing your investments or if you wish to leave it to an expert to take care of. So, think about where you want to go, then build your portfolio to get you there—with enough variety to handle the bumps along the way.

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