This summer there has already been three attacks, in the city of Toronto and Im starting to wonder if they are somehow connected. The first was the van attack on 23 April 2018, in which it was decided that the killer’s motives were that he was an incel. This conclusion was reached after the media found one facebook post, from his now deleted account, and was promptly swept under the rug. I don’t read a lot of incel writing, but the post read almost as a comical take on what incels would say. “Sergeant 4chan” and “supreme gentleman” really? The only person I have ever seen use the phrase “supreme gentleman” is youtuber mumkey jones who uses it to make fun of Eliot Rodgers.
Then in May there was the bombing of an Indian restaurant, where the suspects are still at large. On the Canadian subs it has been concluded that it was a targeted gang hit. This doesn’t make sense because if you are trying to kill one person why attract more attention to your self with a bomb, that is not even guaranteed to kill your target? If it was a car bomb that would make sense, but they just chucked it in the restaurant and left. Also gangs don’t typically bomb restaurants they shoot people, which Toronto has also been experiencing a rise in shootings. I have been following the story closely and there has been no updates at all,and it has also been swept under the rug.
Now in July there was the heightened security where Toronto police were expecting a car ramming, that never happened, and now the shooting. I am wondering if the shooter was who they were tipped off about for the car ramming, or if these incidents are somehow connected. Too many events in such a short amount of time to be just a coincidence.