You know how the left is outraged over Amazon paying no federal taxes? Ralph Northam gave them about $1B in tax incentives last year which is how they’re able to pay no federal taxes.

Without public ceremony, Gov. Ralph Northam on Tuesday signed legislation to carry out Virginia’s promises to Amazon for up to $750 million in cash incentives if the company creates 37,850 high-paying jobs at the new headquarters it plans in Arlington County.

Northam, who has had no scheduled public appearances since the Saturday news conference about the scandal engulfing his administration, signed Senate Bill 1255 to establish the “Major Headquarters Workforce Grant Fund” to handle the state incentives.

The bill is sponsored by Sen. Frank Ruff, R-Mecklenburg, chairman of the legislative commission that helped vet the state’s blockbuster economic development deal for Amazon’s $2.5 billion headquarters in the Crystal City area of Arlington.

“Fantastic!” Ruff said Tuesday. “Everybody can move forward to the next step now, which is good.”

An identical incentive bill, proposed by House Appropriations Committee Chairman Chris Jones, R-Suffolk, has passed the House of Delegates and is pending action in the Senate Finance Committee.

Amazon, which already employs 8,500 people across Virginia, praised the state action.

“This is an investment in the growth of Virginia,” spokeswoman Jill Kerr said. “It will help diversify the economy and serve as a catalyst for drawing in other businesses and sought-after jobs.

“We believe the establishment of our headquarters in Virginia and 25,000 new, high-paying jobs, is a benefit to the entire commonwealth, and we are excited for what the future holds,” Kerr said.

The legislation establishes a fund to receive and disburse $550 million in incentives for the creation of 25,000 jobs by Amazon in the first phase of its HQ2 project . The incentives equate to $22,000 per job and would not be paid until four years after the jobs are created and begin to generate additional income tax revenue to pay for them.

A maximum of $200 million would be paid in fiscal year 2024, with additional installment payments each year through 2030, when the cumulative total would reach a maximum of $550 million.

The agreement that Northam and Amazon announced on Nov. 14 requires that the jobs average $150,000 in annual pay, not including benefits. It also limits the number of jobs tied to federal government contracts to 10 percent of the total, as Virginia officials try to wean Northern Virginia and the state economy off federal spending.



h/t smurfin101

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