NEW JERSEY: Violation Of “Stay-At-Home” Order Will Get You SIX Months In JAIL

New Jersey Attorney General Announces That People Who Violate Stay-At-Home Order Could Face Six Months in Jail or Fines

Authorities will target businesses, like bars or stores, that stay open despite the governor’s demand, Grewal said during a news conference. They will also look for residents who, for instance, throw a party at their home and invite dozens of people.

Law enforcement officers will have to break that party up, and there will be criminal consequences,” Grewal said. “The time for warnings is over. And the time to ensure compliance by using all of the tools available to us is here.”

The exact charge will depend on the crime. But a disorderly persons offense is punishable by a prison term of up to six months, a fine of up to $1,000 or both, Grewal’s office has said.


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