American dream is over? Salary needed to buy the median US home is now $76K – and the typical family cannot afford a house in 35 of country’s 50 biggest cities

by Boo_Randy

Heckova job, “Zimbabwe Ben” Bernanke, Yellen the Felon, & BlackRock Jay.

A family making the median national income can no longer afford the typical house in 35 of the country’s 50 biggest cities, according to a new study.

Based on home price data from the first quarter of the year, the salary needed to afford the median US home stood at almost $76,000 – roughly $8,500 more than the typical household actually makes, according to an analysis from Visual Capitalism.

Mortgage timebomb for millions: Families face full force of interest rate misery when their fixed-rate deals end, experts warn

Millions of f**ked borrowers are about to learn the difference between “homeowner” and “mortgage debt donkey.”

Millions of homeowners are facing a ‘mortgage time bomb’ as their fixed-rate loans come to an end, experts warned yesterday.

Borrowers locked into cheap fixed deals will be shielded from any immediate increase in bills after the Bank of England yesterday hiked its base rate.

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