AOC’s Puppet Masters Exposed… Turkish money?!

Of the seven congressmen listed below, three were chosen thru the audition process and they are, as far as I can tell, puppets of The Justice Democrats, Saikat Chakrabarti and Cenk Uygur.”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was a bartender and was selected not because she had political aspirations, but because she would take orders and follow the script. “For the 2018 Elections, the Justice Democrats endorsed 79 candidates, 26 of them won their primary elections, 7 won in the general election and are now in Congress”.
They are:
Raul M. Grijalda, Dem, Arizona’s 3rd District
Rohit Khanna, Dem, California 17th District
Ayanna Pressley, Dem, Massachusetts, 7th District
Pramila Jayapal, Dem, Washington, 7th District
Rashida Tlaib, Dem, Michigan, 13th District
Ilhan Omar, Dem, Minnesota, 5th District
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Dem, New York, 14th District

Their goal is to take over the Dim Party, and make it their own, and it is backed by Turkish money. But, I can not figure out whether it is Guellen’s money, or is it Erdogan’s, who foots the bill for the “Young Turks” or just giggle Cenk Uygur.


h/t Constanttine

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