Fastest man would ‘rather miss the Olympics than take vaccine’

Fastest man since Bolt would ‘rather miss the Olympics than take COVID vaccine’

Olympic champion Yohan Blake says he would rather miss the Tokyo Games than take the COVID-19 vaccine.

The fastest man since Usain Bolt, Blake looms as one of the favourites to replace his former rival and become the first new 100m gold medallist in 17 years.

But the 31-year-old would give up on the dream if athletes were told to get the jab.

“My mind still stays strong, I don’t want any vaccine,” Blake was quoted as saying in Jamaican newspaper The Gleaner.

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“I’d rather miss the Olympics than take the vaccine. I am not taking it.

“I don’t really want to get into it now, but I have my reasons.”

Blake is not expected to be forced into the decision, however, with the International Olympic Committee saying the vaccine is “encouraged” but not mandatory for athletes.

IOC vice-president John Coates last week explained cultural and religious differences mean the jab cannot be made compulsory.…JD3quyAuAM



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