Genuine study – Excess Deaths in Europe is due to Heat AND Cold

‘Excess mortality attributed to heat and cold: a health impact assessment study in 854 cities in Europe

Across the 854 urban areas in Europe, we estimated an annual excess of 203 620 (empirical 95% CI 180 882–224 613) deaths attributed to cold and 20 173 (17 261–22 934) attributed to heat. These corresponded to age-standardised rates of 129 (empirical 95% CI 114–142) and 13 (11–14) deaths per 100 000 person-years. Results differed across Europe and age groups, with the highest effects in eastern European cities for both cold and heat.‘

Liver cancer rates are surging in Australia – and climate change could be to blame

h/t A Deplorable Neanderthal

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