via nypost:
Parents, Asian-American groups and schools are lining up to join a federal suit opposing the city’s planned changes to specialized high school admissions.
Joshua Thompson, a lawyer for a California-based libertarian law firm, said a range of individuals and groups have reached out to join the planned lawsuit.
“Our goal is to build as broad a coalition as possible,” he said. “We want to be able to show the court how this is impacting different people on different levels.”
The charge is being led by parents at Intermediate School 187 in Dyker Heights, one of the city’s top middle schools that sent the highest number of kids to specialized high schools last year, with 205.
The lawsuit will oppose the new policy of New York City schools that is intended to make it especially difficult for Asian American students to attend New York’s most academically elite public high schools—Stuyvesant and Bronx Science. It doing so, the lawsuit will be opposing New York City’s notion that there are “too many” qualified Asian American students out there.
Here comes my constant reminder: Schools are not doing students any favors by admitting them to academic programs where their academic credentials put them at the bottom of the class. Students learn more in programs where they are competitive with other students. The research I’ve seen is at the college and university level, but I strongly suspect it applies to elite high schools too. See Want to Be a Doctor? A Scientist? An Engineer? An Affirmative Action Leg Up May Hurt Your Chances and A “Dubious Expediency”: How Race-Preferential Admissions Policies on Campus Hurt Minority Students. Race neutrality is not just the principled thing, it’s the practical thing too.
h/t GH