How Unions Funded by Forcing Workers to Pay up Leaves Them ‘Worse Off’

Because the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) empowers union bosses to represent workers who don’t want a union, Big Labor apologists contend, union bosses must also be legally empowered to force these captive workers to pay union dues or fees. Otherwise, the workers who wish to remain union-free will get a so-called “free ride.”

Ever since Right to Work let rank-and-file employees escape compulsory union membership and forced dues payment beginning in the 1940s, this non sequitur has been the mainstay argument of union officials and other opponents of voluntary unionism.

To justify their opposition to Right to Work laws prohibiting the termination of employees for refusal to join or pay dues to an unwanted union, union officials and their allies invoke, again and again, Section 9(a) of the NLRA and an analogous provision in the federal Railway Labor Act (RLA) .

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