I lost my job because I wouldn’t take the vaccine

by Anonymous

I’m here in Washington State and got hired to work for a home care agency.

Starting on May 4th, I did about eleven out of twenty hours of required training when I got a phone call on June 3rd. Human resources asked me if I had gotten the vaccine and I said no. Then she asked me if I was planning on getting it and I said no.

Then she said starting July 1st, all employees were going to be required to get vaccinated as a condition of employment and said if I wasnt going to get it they would have to let me go. I said ok and she said we’ll mail you a check for the hours you worked.

I called the big boss of the company and he said they had talked about this back in Feburary. He said he would try to accomodate me if I wanted to claim an exemption. He said they are requiring it to protect their vulnerable clients. The company works with developmentally disabled adults.

They have two clients who arent vaccinated. He said it would be a nightmare if an unvaccinated client had an unvaccinated caregiver. Him, his wife and kids were vaccinated he said and his daughter’s college required vaccination. His daughter had covid also at one point.

I’ve found another job at another home care agency, but they said that we dont have to take “the jab” however she did say there was talk about it.

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