The 41-Year-Old Self-Confessed Killer of Republican Teenager Cayler Ellingson Has Now Been Set Free After Posting $50,000 Bond on Tuesday

by Chris Black

Shannon Brandt, the leftist extremist who admitted to his role in the politically motivated slaying, walks free just days after the incident—a stark contrast to the story of right-wing protestor James Fields, who did nothing more than flee a mob of armed Antifa during the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, VA.

Fields was ultimately denied bond and was sentenced to 419 years behind bars.

All this while dozens of political prisoners are being held without charge and denied their constitutional rights because they walked into the Capitol.

People still think there is a peaceful solution. That we “can all get along”.

We can’t.

When someone is willing to walk up to you and kill in cold blood, simply for believing something different, the only valid response is blood.

That is what this is: two sides killing themselves over beliefs. Once war starts, it can only end with one side declaring victory.

An armistice is only kicking the can down the road.

Eventually it can’t be kicked anymore.


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